Looking out on to the choppy water I see a boat in the distance that is getting tossed carelessly about over and over again, waves crashing against the side of the boat. As I watch it I start to think to myself; I wonder if anyone is out there on it, possibly alone and wondering if there is any way that I can help the person who was just possibly enjoying sunshine and calm waters before the storm came, but how could I help? Who could I call? Would they want my help?
I am the wife of the man who 'Stumbled Home' late one evening with which feelings very relateable to the above. I got the call from my husband whom earlier had been arrested for a DUI and then released to a taxi cab to be brought home but home was not where he ended up. My husbands voice on the other line sounded so far away, so lost, so sad I could just hear the pain in his voice. I asked my husband where he was and that I wanted to come and find him and get him safe in our home, but he had no idea where he was and at that point I remembered that I had no means of transportation to come and get him because our only vehicle at that time had been impounded in result of the DUI, I was also new to the area so I didn't know of anyone who could get him for me. With in about 30 to 45 minutes, which felt like an eternity, he walks in to our house with his head hung low, crying uncontrollably. I felt like I just wanted to take his pain away and tell him that everything would be alright, but at that moment I don't think that anyone could help someone who felt so alone, so helpless, and the pain that addiction brings, so all I could do was just hold him and be there for him.
The following day was the begining of our journey to sobriety. I had never known anyone whom had battled addiction in any form so I found out that there was a meeting called Alanon that is there to help family members of alcoholics and I attended AA meetings with my husband every Friday night for our date night, drove my husband to many AA meetings early or late, it didn't matter to me, I just wanted to do whatever I could in my position to help the love of my life I did not want to see the demon of alcoholism take my best friend and my love away.
Through attending countless meetings, getting a sponsor, and by the grace of God I now have a sober husband that could only be the husband and father that he is today by becoming sober. Sobriety allows you to live up to your potential, cultivate your talents and hobbies, and will make you in to the person you never thought you could ever be living a life constantly fighting addiction.
After the storm passes as dark and cold as it was at the time there is such beauty that follows, seeing what the tide has brought in such as beach glass knowing that at one time it was possibly a beautiful bottle but is now broken into pieces all along the shore, but going through what it went through this now small piece of glass is beautiful in its own way and has become stronger because of the water tossing it about and being pushed along the sand of the beach, but the best thing that passes along with the storm is another day, another day to live a life of sobriety.
I wanted to thank my husband for fighting the good fight, and giving me the only thing I could ever ask for and that is the man of my dreams, I love you.
My heart felt love goes out to the wife here. She had the courage to see beyond and see more than what was in front of her. She had the patience to wait for what she could see as a wonderful loveing husband and father, that was there behind the uncontroled sobs and the doubts in his own mind. She deserves what she gets today a sweet and tender powerful husband and best friend one who has chosen to make a difference in others lives just as he was born to do. He finally fell hard enough, just at the time there really was a place to fall and that was with the sweet and tender woman he had in his own strong arms, right beside him. I will stay on my knees a bit more tonight as I once again, see a story of courage and devotion, goodness to their own inside soul and purpose they are really here. Thank you very much and I add my heart felt love to this beautiful story.